Festival 2019 Roundup

Another Randalstown ARCHES Community Festival has now came to an end. We are pleased to say that it was a success again this year with over 50 events held over 10 days—there really was something for everyone! Festival is only made possible by the help and support of our volunteers, sponsors and local groups and traders.

Some of the new events this year included “Art on the Wall” and the Charity Classic Car Rally by The Old Forge, Wine & Cheese Evening in Randalstown Rugby Club, Quiz Night by Randal Community Shed and the Winnie the Pooh Exhibition ran by Canon Derek Kerr. Of course we still had the old favourites such as  the popular Family Fun Cycle hosted by Old Bleach cycle Club and the Slow Bike Ride sponsored by S. Graham Opticians which both had  great turn outs despite the rain!

The Duck Race also had its fair share of rain but thankfully this didn’t put people off which added to the excitement of seeing which duck would make their way to the end first. The Street Games this year included a variety of games, sweets, charities and an appearance from the Iron Throne! The senior citizen’s had a great day on their Mystery Tour which ended up at Glenarm Castle and Walled Garden followed by food and entertainment including a raffle at The Londonderry Arms, Carnlough which was made possible by the kind donations of many local traders—many people went home with prizes from the raffle.

Despite the rain being on and off the most of the week, the sun shone through for the Gymkhana (hosted by Mid Antrim Branch of Pony Club) and the Dog Show (hosted by Mid Antrim Animal Sanctuary). As always, we were pleased to see such a great turn out of horses and dogs and the winners were very happy with their trophies and colourful rosettes.

Next year, 2020 is ARCHES’ 25th Anniversary so keep an eye out for an extra special Festival extravaganza!

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