Coronavirus Update

Unsurprisingly, COVID–19 has occupied the minds of the team at Randalstown ARCHES Association in the past weeks. We are very aware of our duty of care to our team, our students and the business itself and so have been planning extensively for the various scenarios which may present themselves. Please allow me to update you.
👩‍💻Business continuity – from today all office staff will be working remotely until further notice. Our caretaker will be on call for all our tenants should any issues arise. Our team are used to flexible working and working–from–home arrangements and our software and systems are more than capable of supporting us during this period. Office staff can still be contacted by phone (028 9447 8471) or email ( Unfortunately, this means for the time being all office services (Printing, Scanning, Laminating, Photocopying etc) have been suspended.
👍Team wellbeing – while none of our team has contracted COVID–19 to date, many of them have family members and close friends in the at–risk category. Our top priority is the physical and mental health of our team and we will closely follow government guidelines day to day and week to week
🚗Travel and gatherings – we have cancelled all but the most essential of journeys. We have postponed all upcoming courses and room bookings except for British Sign Language who will now be using video conferencing facilities to ‘attend’ their courses. Plans for Festival 2020 are currently on hold until we receive further information and guidance.
📝Delivering projects – We will do our very best to continue as much work as we can on our current projects and wish to thank you the community and our funders for your understanding as we now move to service you in these new ways. We will continue to update our social media pages will important and relevant information in these uncertain times.
And finally – COVID–19 will cause disruption to Randalstown ARCHES Association and it’s activities. But there are businesses and individuals for whom the consequences are much graver and more challenging. We send our most sincere best wishes to anyone who is in that category; we will be keep an eye out to consider how we might be best able to help them.
Stay safe
Operations Manager
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